
Circus Maximus (cont.)

“Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue, most mighty Emperor of Lilliput, delight and terror of the universe, whose dominions extend five thousand blustrugs (about twelve miles in circumference) to the extremities of the globe; monarch of all monarchs, taller than the sons of men; whose feet press down to the centre, and whose head strikes against the sun; at whose nod the princes of the earth shake their knees; pleasant as the spring, comfortable as the summer, fruitful as autumn, dreadful as winter..."
(Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Tales, Part I - A voyage to Lilliput, chap. 3, 1726) (+)

Circus Maximus

"XVI. [1] cum ergo furor interdicitur nobis, ab omni spectaculo auferimur, etiam a circo, ubi proprie furor praesidet. aspice populum ad id spectaculum iam cum furore venientem, iam tumultuosum, iam caecum, iam de sponsionibus concitatum. [2] tardus est illi praetor, semper oculi in urna eius cum sortibus volutantur. dehinc ad signum anxii pendent, unius dementiae una vox est. [3] cognosce dementiam de vanitate: "misit", dicunt et nuntiant invicem quod simul ab omnibus visum est. teneo testimonium caecitatis: non vident missum quid sit; mappam putant, sed est diaboli ab alto praecipitati figura. [4] ex eo itaque itur in furias et animos et discordias et quicquid non licet sacerdotibus pacis. inde maledicta, convicia sine iustitia odii, etiam suffragia sine merito amoris.(...)" (Tertullianus, De spectaculis, entre 190 e 220AD) (+)


Cathedral of tears

"Just then her head struck against the roof of the hall: in fact she was now more than nine feet high, and she at once took up the little golden key and hurried off to the garden door.
Poor Alice! It was as much as she could do, lying down on one side, to look through into the garden with one eye; but to get through was more hopeless than ever: she sat down and began to cry again.
`You ought to be ashamed of yourself,' said Alice, `a great girl like you,' ( she might well say this), `to go on crying in this way! Stop this moment, I tell you!' But she went on all the same, shedding gallons of tears, until there was a large pool all round her, about four inches deep and reaching half down the hall."

(Lewis carroll, Alice in wonderland, .2 "The pool of tears")

Ca40 Co55 A20 - ∞G1

Ca = calyx (whorl of sepals)
Co = corolla (whorl of petals)
Z = add if zygomorphic
A = androecium (whorl of stamens)
G = gynoecium (ovary bearing carpels)

x - to represent a "variable number"
∞ - to represent "many"


Pecten maximus

Del caballero a quien el Apóstol libró de una enfermedad por el toque de una concha.
Corriendo el año mil ciento seis de la encarnación del Señor, a cierto caballero en tierras de Apulia se le hinchó la garganta como un odre lleno de aire. Y como no hallase en nigún mñedico remedio que le sanase, confiado en Santiago apóstol dijo que si pudiese hallar alguna concha de las que suelen llevar consigo los peregrinos que regresan de Santiago y tocase con ella su garganta enferma, tendría remedio inmediato. Y habiéndole encontrado en casa cierto peregrino vecino suyo, tocó su garganta y sanó, y marchó luego al sepulcro del Apóstol en Galicia. Esto fué realizado por el Señor y es admirable a nuestro ver. Honor y gloria al mismo Señor, Padre e Hijo y Espíritu Santo, por los siglos de los siglos. Así sea.

(Codice calixtino, Libro II, Cap. XII)



“Religions emerged too early in human evolution – they set up symbols that people took literally, and they’re as dead as a line of totem poles. Religions should have come later, when the human race begins to near its end. Sadly, crime is the only spur that rouses us. We’re fascinated by that “other world” where everything is possible.” (J. G. Ballard - Cocaine Nights, 1996)



"Laudationem ferculum est insecutum plane non pro expectatione magnum, novitas tamen omnium convertit oculos. Rotundum enim repositorium duodecim habebat signa in orbe disposita, super quae proprium convenientemque materiae structor imposuerat cibum: super arietem cicer arietinum, super taurum bubulae frustum, super geminos testiculos ac rienes, super cancrum coronam, super leonem ficum Africanam, super virginem steriliculam, super libram stateram in cuius altera parte scriblita erat, in altera placenta, super scorpionem pisciculum marinum, super sagittarium oclopetam, super capricornum locustam marinam, super aquarium anserem, super pisces duos mullos. In medio autem caespes cum herbis excisus favum sustinebat."
(Petronius, Satyricon, XXXV)


Recreio e Tolice

Fun & Nonsense - Willard Bonte (1904)

Ganhe tempo ao passar os olhos nesta biblioteca online repleta com "fac-símiles" de livros infantis de diversas proveniências e demais períodos.


(+)"Animals, then, are composed of homogeneous parts, and are also composed of heterogeneous parts. The former, however, exist for the sake of the latter. For the active functions and operations of the body are carried on by these; that is, by the heterogeneous parts, such as the eye, the nostril, the whole face, the fingers, the hand, and the whole arm. But inasmuch as there is a great variety in the functions and motions not only of aggregate animals but also of the individual organs, it is necessary that the substances out of which these are composed shall present a diversity of properties. For some purposes softness is advantageous, for others hardness; some parts must be capable of extension, others of flexion. Such properties, then, are distributed separately to the different homogeneous parts, one being soft another hard, one fluid another solid, one viscous another brittle; whereas each of the heterogeneous parts presents a combination of multifarious properties." (Aristotle, De partibus animalium, book II)



Depuis Le Jour
Curta-metragem de Derek Jarman para o filme Aria de 1987.
Interpretações de Amy Johnson, Tilda Swinton:) e Spencer Leigh sobre uma ária da ópera Luise de Gustave Charpentier.



Von ungenutzten Büchern

Das jch sytz vornan jn dem schyffDas hat worlich eyn sundren gryffOn vrsach ist das nit gethanVff myn libry ich mych verlan
Von bűchern hab ich grossen hortVerstand doch drynn gar wenig wortVnd halt sie dennacht jn den erenDas ich jnn wil der fliegen werenWo man von künsten reden důt
Sprich ich / do heym hab jchs fast gůtDo mit loß ich benűgen michDas ich vil bűcher vor mir sych /Der künig Ptolomeus bsteltDas er all bűcher het der welt

Janitor request

A esplanada faz ver uma gota de soberba quando nos mostra a Dr. L****, refestelada, a sorver um gelado de água.
O contrário também se aplica: uma água gaseificada, de preferência com sabor de limão e chá verde, sabe melhor quando bebida muito fresca.


testa de ferro

1.2.3. teste

A Vós bradamos, os degredados filhos de Eva,
a Vós suspiramos, gemendo e chorando,
neste vale de lágrimas.