

È il druido del villaggio. La sua specialità è la pozione magica, che dona una temporanea forza sovrumana a colui che la beve. È anche in grado di preparare altre pozioni, contravveleni e scherzi, come una pozione estremamente potente per far crescere rapidamente e senza posa barba e capelli.

Martin Liebscher huurt een hele concertzaal af, fotografeert dezelfde persoon (meestal zichzelf) een 300 keer in de zelfde ruimte, vanuit het zelfde perspectief, maar de persoon zit of staat steeds ergens anders. Het lijkt me een hondenwerk maar het resultaat is werkelijk schitterend. Op zijn site meer van dit soort moois, of klik op de foto voor een grote versie. ***

Martin Liebscher (* 1964 in Naumburg) ist ein deutscher Künstler und Fotograf. Er wuchs auf in Speyer und studierte von 1990-1995 bei Thomas Bayrle und Martin Kippenberger am Städel in Frankfurt am Main, lebt in Berlin.

[Martin Liebscher, Remake: Suntory Hall, Tokyo, 2006, 125 x 395 cm]


["Santa Sangre" de Alejandro Jodorowski, sequência inspirada por
Marcel Mangel (aka Marceau), (Strasbourg 22/03/1923 - Paris 22/09/2007)]


San Matteo



Tributum (-i, neutr.) seu vectigal est quod cives rei publicae solvere debent. Temporibus praecipue prioribus etiam civitates aliis civitatibus tributa solvere debebant.

Tributa directa a tributis indirectis distinguuntur.

[in Vicipaedia Libera Encyclopaedia, 13 Aprillis 2007]

[Pictvra: Juan de Pareja (1610-1670), La vocación de San Mateo, 1661, Museo del Prado]

[Mvsica: Blind Willie Johnson (1897-1945), "Dark was the night, cold was the ground", 1927 Columbia Records]

let's keep dancing...



"Haec Apollo. At Lachesis, quae et ipsa homini formosissimo faueret, fecit illud plena manu et Neroni multos annos de suo donat. Claudium autem iubent omnes chairontas, euphêmountas ekpempein domôn [C]. Et ille quidem animam ebulliit [N], et ex eo desiit uiuere uideri. Exspirauit autem dum comoedos audit, ut scias me non sine causa illos timere. 3. Vltima uox eius haec inter homines audita est, cum maiorem sonitum emisisset illa parte qua facilius loquebatur: 'uae me, puto, concacaui me.' Quod an fecerit, nescio; omnia certe concacauit."

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 a.c. -65 d.c.), Apocolocyntosis divi Claudii, Cap. 4]

[Ilus: Andrea Pozzo (1642- 1709), tecto da Igreja de Sant'Ignazio]


novecentos e onze

Sure as the most certain sure, plumb in the uprights, well
entretied, braced in the beams,
Stout as a horse, affectionate, haughty, electrical,
I and this mystery here we stand.

Walt Withman Song of myself 1881



What points of contact existed between these languages and between the peoples who spoke them?

The presence of guttural sounds, diacritic aspirations, epenthetic and servile letters in both languages: their antiquity, both having been taught on the plain of Shinar 242 years after the deluge in the seminary instituted by Fenius Farsaigh, descendant of Noah, progenitor of Israel, and ascendant of Heber and Heremon, progenitors of Ireland: their archaeological, genealogical, hagiographical, exegetical, homiletic, toponomastic, historical and religious literatures comprising the works of rabbis and culdees, Torah, Talmud (Mischna and Ghemara), Massor, Pentateuch, Book of the Dun Cow, Book of Ballymote, Garland of Howth, Book of Kells: their dispersal, persecution, survival and revival: the isolation of their synagogical and ecclesiastical rites in ghetto (S. Mary's Abbey) and masshouse (Adam and Eve's tavern): the proscription of their national costumes in penal laws and jewish dress acts: the restoration in Chanah David of Zion and the possibility of Irish political autonomy or devolution.

[Imagem do Livro de Kells (monges celtas) e texto do Ulysses (monge irlandês)]