
2006:01:02 - 09:14 am

Aeroporto do Porto (ex-Pedras Rubras e ex-Francisco Sá Carneiro)






Under this influence you have the capacity to start projects, although you should keep in mind that this is a short-term influence and its effects will not last long. At this time you may be tempted to withdraw and keep your feelings secret, especially if you are at all insecure about your inner self. Perhaps unconsciously you send out signals to others declaring that you do not want to be bothered. Perhaps you, like many people, have always felt that if others really knew you, they wouldn't like you. So you keep your entire emotional life secret. But whatever you hide from others, you will also hide from yourself. And whatever you hide from yourself can control you without your being aware of it. This is a time when your unconscious attitudes and fears can be very difficult. You need to communicate your deep inner feelings to another person, preferably someone you can trust. You may get into a depressed mood that baffles the people around you, so they give up on you for the time being and stop trying to help you. Probably you will not feel much like socializing now. This is a good time to work as a leader with groups of people. And in fact it is a good time to be alone and face any aspect of yourself that you are reluctant to face. If you or your friend has something very personal to say, something that touches either of you at a deeper emotional level than usual, this is a good time to say it. The problem is that it tends to make you feel very lonely and isolated, as if there is no one you can communicate with. And this can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whenever you talk with others, you radiate an inner excitement, as if you were ready for immediate action. It is probably not really all that bad. This would be a good time to see an art exhibit that challenges your preconceived views about what is beautiful. Probably this will be entertaining rather than unsettling, and you will experience something new. Or you might go to a concert that features music entirely different from anything you have ever heard. This influence can signify a long and enjoyable pleasure trip. You understand what is needed, and you can unify your objectives and theirs, usually by talking them around to your point of view. You will derive the most benefit from a trip to a place you have never seen before, where you can encounter something totally new. This is a fine time for a vacation. Your experience may be broadened through a loved one who shows you new things. It can indicate a time when emotional contact with friends is very important to you. Or something may happen that will teach you more about your relationship, not to disturb you but to increase your insight. You can assert yourself in a positive manner and stand your ground if necessary. You may feel more courage and confidence than usual, which you express by taking the initiative in making emotional contacts with others. You speak very directly and forcefully, but without being offensive, which others will respect you for. Contact between yourself and friends is much deeper than usual now. A related effect of this influence is to bring a female friend or friends into prominence in your life, and in general you should find it easier to get along with them now. In friendships you will probably feel more protective and supportive than usual, or you will attract someone who gives you needed emotional support. The best way to handle such feelings is to do nothing. Don't take them seriously and don't make any decisions based on the way you feel now. A series of sudden and unexpected events will probably strain your nerves to the utmost, making this a difficult time. This is most likely to happen if you have spent the last few years trying to please everyone. Any turmoil in the outside world is merely an indication that you have been seething inside for quite some time. Although it would be understandable if you now felt like packing everything in, this is certainly not the best solution. You will find it hardest to tolerate hypocritical and sanctimonious behavior - whether your own or others'. It is therefore important to clear the air and to honestly consider which aspects of your life reflect your authentic inner nature. For example, you might find that a political party or like-minded group of people of which you were once a member has lost its appeal. A clear decision to take all your imperfections seriously, and not to make lazy compromises, can be both healing and liberating, helping to give birth to new things in your life.



"Os Bichos"

"Em uma pagina util e talvez a unica proveitosa aos viajantes, informa ácerca dos hoteis. Diz que no «Hotel de Lisbonne» ha muitos ratos; no «Alliança» persevejos; e no «Gibraltar» baratos (não confundir preços baratos, com «baratas», ou «carochas»). Depois d'esta asseveração impugnavel, esteia a sua affirmativa em uma passagem do Cousin Bazilio onde se lê que em Lisboa ha persevejos. Luxo escusado de erudição. Os persevejos em Lisboa são d'uma tamanha evidencia fetida e mathematica que se dispensava o testemunho do snr. Eca de Queroz, de Querioz, oude Querioze, que vem citado como Plinio para os lacráos, e Livingstone para a Tsetse-fly, mosca mortifera da Africa."


[ilus.: (detalhe) Carlo Crivelli – Madonna and child., 1472-1473]


boring cool people

0000000000000045 vs Perry






"A year ago today I wouldn't have dreamed I'd be where I am now: in the recreation room on the third floor of the State Hospital, watching, with my daughter, ten men who sit in a circle in the center of the room. They look almost normal from a distance - khaki pants, lumberjack shirts, white socks - but I've learned to detect the tics, the nervous disorders. The men are members of a poetry writing workshop. It is my husband Alden's turn to read. He takes a few seconds to find his cane, to hoist himself out of his chair. As he stands, his posture is hunched and awkward. The surface of his crushed left eye has clouded to marble. There is a pale pink scar under his pale yellow hair."

[excerpt from Aliens - Family Dancing by David Leavitt - 1983]


ding dong

Full fathom five thy father lies.
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Ding dong.

All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses. I wake to listen:
A far sea moves in my ear.



João Ratão

(+, + e etc.)


Sonnets from the Bosnian

Sonnet 22
When our two souls stand up erect and strong,
Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher,
Until the lengthening wings break into fire
At either curvëd point, – what bitter wrong
Can the earth do to us, that we should not long
Be here contented? Think! In mounting higher,
The angels would press on us and aspire
To drop some golden orb of perfect song
Into our deep, dear silence. Let us stay
Rather on earth, Belovëd, – where the unfit
Contrarious moods of men recoil away
And isolate pure spirits, and permit
A place to stand and love in for a day,
With darkness and the death-hour rounding it.

[Sonnets from the Portuguese by Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1845–1846]

[Ilus.: (detalhe) Folio 44 from Phoebe Anna Traquair’s illuminated copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’, 1892-1897]


Luke 23:28

στραφεις δε προς αυτας ο ιησους ειπεν θυγατερες ιερουσαλημ μη κλαιετε επ εμε πλην εφ εαυτας κλαιετε και επι τα τεκνα υμων
οτι ιδου ερχονται ημεραι εν αις ερουσιν μακαριαι αι στειραι και κοιλιαι αι ουκ εγεννησαν και μαστοι οιουκ εθηλασαν

encapsulated sons

Driven by over-population, a pure culture of the virus-creatures had long ago departed from their original native hosts, and traveled like encapsulated spores across space from a distant galaxy. The trip had been long and exhausting; the virus-creatures had retained only the minimum strength necessary to establish themselves in a new host, some unintelligent creature living on an uninhabited planet, a creature that could benefit by the great intelligence of the virus-creatures, and provide food and shelter for both. Finally, after thousands of years of searching, they had found this planet with its dull-minded, fruit-gathering inhabitants. These creatures had seemed perfect as hosts, and the virus-creatures had thought their long search for a perfect partner was finally at an end.